Fake Pasta

The hubs gets some brownie points for this one!

He knew it sucked for me to be on this challenge of ours because it means no pasta for me. Well, he found a compromise: Cucumber pasta.

fake pastaEverything was made from scratch. It sounded strange at first, but it tasted pretty awesome. I still love actual pasta. Think I’ll have some this week now that the challenge is over.

Update on challenge: besides weight loss, I feel so much better and have so much more energy! Which is a good thing since I never sleep…with school and work taking over and all.


2 thoughts on “Fake Pasta

  1. Oh man, love the pics! Everything looks delicious! I have a foodie background myself. Married to a chef for 16 years, parents and uncle owned a restaurant which I worked in as a child… keep on posting!

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